February 7, 2011

Remming - Two singles and one-man

They are going to release two singles... In the same day! Here is the info

[宇宙回想記] (uchuukaisouki)
01. 宇宙回想記 (uchuukaisouki)
02. グロウフィッシュ (glowfish)

[サクラノキオク] (sakura no kioku)
01. サクラノキオク (sakura no kioku)
02. ギブス (gips)

On occasion of their single release, the band will hold two handshake instores on April 16th at Ikebukuro Brand-x and on April 23rd at Shibuya ZEAL LINK, for more details, please check the official homepages from these shops!

Their first oneman show will be held on May 6th at Shibuya Boxx, tickets will cost 3500 Yen.

Source: Shattered Tranquility

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