November 30, 2010


I'm sorry for not posting anything in a while. I was too lazy busy.

First of all:
Lolita23q have now an official account in YouTube!
You can see what videos did they upload here

[Btw, our spanish fanclub have a YouTube account too. You can see what we upload here]

Second point:
Sou has twitter!
Follow him right here

Third ~
There are a few TV shows programmed for December's month.
Here is the information:

07/12/2010 (tuesday) - 26:30-27:00
Channel:テレビ東京 (TV Tokyo)
Contents: All about White Blade PV

14/12/2010 (tuesday) - 26:30-27:00 (Japanese timeline)
Channel:テレビ東京 (TV Tokyo)
Contents: All about Lolita23q!

21/12/2010 (tuesday) - 26:30-27:00 (Japanese timeline)
Channel:テレビ東京 (TV Tokyo)
Contents: All about Lolita23q!

28/12/2010 (tuesday) - 26:30-27:00 (Japanese timeline)
Channel:テレビ東京 (TV Tokyo)
Contents: All about Lolita23q!

I'm sure I will record 7th broadcast (omgholiday)
The others? I don't know... Anyway, I will try!

And the last one~
Lolita will be doing two performances:

The first, at Shibuya O-West on 26/01/2011, and the second on 07/02/2011 in Shibuya O-East.
The second performance will be a session, with bands such as
 アンド / DuelJewel / DOG in The パラレルワールドオーケストラ / ドレミ團 / NoGoD / heidi. / BugLug / Mix Speaker's,Inc. / LOST ASH
And the first it's just with D=OUT.

And this have nothing to do with me but I want to tell you about it.
My friend Rui made a Remming blog a facebook fanpage and twitter account.
Please, help her, because she started just a few weeks ago :3

Remming's fanblog [Livejournal]
Facebook fanpage
Twitter account

1 comment:

Rui[parakiz] said...

Maria~ *Very big hug* Thanks for everything~ I very happy ne~~ When Sou started twitter that made me more busy LOL!! Bcoz I must to follow him evrything when I have (little)free time >[]<LOL but I'm happy ne~ Miss you!~